BRIDES OF DESTRUCTION Guitarist: 'We Are Very Proud NIKKI SIXX Was In This Band'

June 6, 2005

BRIDES OF DESTRUCTION guitarist Tracii Guns has posted the following message on the band's official web site:

"I was watching the MÖTLEY CRÜE VH1 special and much to my surprise there we were live in Japan kicking ASS!!!!!!!! That was the greatest thing this band could recieve a few months before our new record comes out. Watching Nikki [Sixx, CRÜE/ex-BRIDES bassist] go through all that crap in person and now on VH1 made me realize just exactly how huge MÖTLEY is at the moment and that Nikki really looks at home with those guys… they really deserve it as people usually get exactly what they deserve.

"We are very proud that Nikki was in this band and helped us to make it a reallity. Thanx, man!!!!"

In a separate posting, Guns wrote, "So Mr. Nikki e-mailed me from Europe today and suggested a new album title and we are going with it

"The album will be called 'Runaway Brides'."

As previously reported, BRIDES OF DESTRUCTION have set a September 6 tentative release date via Sanctuary Records for their sophomore album. The follow-up to last year's "Here Come the Brides" was recorded in part at a studio in Malibu, California with producer Andy Johns, who has previously worked with guitarist Tracii Guns on the L.A. GUNS' "Waking the Dead" album (which Guns has referred to as "my favorite L.A. GUNS record."). Johns was reportedly involved with the album during its early recording stages but ended up leaving the project due to unspecified differences with Guns and the rest of the band.

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